Tuesday, December 31, 2019

10 causas de cancelación de la visa de turista o paseo

Las causas por las que una visa de turista para ingresar a Estados Unidos puede ser cancelada o revocada son muy variadas, si bien hay 10 que, por su frecuencia, conviene conocer para evitarlas. Destacar que pueden proceder a la cancelacià ³n de una visa de turista, conocida tambià ©n en algunos paà ­ses como de paseo o de placer, las Embajadas, los consulados y tambià ©n las autoridades migratorias como, por ejemplo, los oficiales en los pasos fronterizos o de aeropuerto. No es obligatorio avisar a la persona a la que se le revoca la visa. En este artà ­culo se informa sobre 10 causas muy comunes de cancelacià ³n de la visa y quà © se puede hacer cuando esto sucede. 10 Causas De Cancelacià ³n De La Visa Americana De Turista 1. Quizà ¡ la causa mà ¡s frecuente de cancelacià ³n de la visa es por permanecer en Estados Unidos mà ¡s tiempo del permitido, asà ­ sà ³lo sean 24 horas. Es muy importante  no confundir la fecha de expiracià ³n de la visa  con el dà ­a mà ¡ximo autorizado para permanecer en Estados Unidos.. El tiempo que se puede permanecer en Estados Unidos està ¡ fijado en el documento que se conoce como I-94, o registro de ingreso y de salida. Aunque es muy comà ºn que la autorizacià ³n se extienda por 180 dà ­as, es decir, seis meses, tambià ©n es posible que, en realidad, el oficial migratorio que autorizà ³ el ingreso establezca un tiempo inferior. Es fundamental respetar este plazo, porque si no se hace no sà ³lo se pierde la visa sino que la persona se queda en situacià ³n de indocumentada dentro de los Estados Unidos. Para evitarlo, si se desea permanecer mà ¡s tiempo en Estados Unidos debe procederse a pedir una extensià ³n de la visa o un cambio de categorà ­a de visado. En casos muy concretos y excepcionales es posible solicitar con à ©xito que se apruebe restaurar el estatus, lo que se conoce como Nunc Pro Tunc, cuando no se pide a tiempo una extensià ³n o cambio de visa. Tampoco se debe jugar a intentar obtener un nuevo plazo de tiempo para permanecer en Estados Unidos saliendo a Mà ©xico, Canadà ¡ o Bahamas y volviendo a entrar, ya que el sistema no funciona asà ­. 2. Cuando  la visa ha sido arrancada  del pasaporte donde originalmente se estampà ³, queda automà ¡ticamente sin vigencia. En otras palabras, no es và ¡lida. 3. La visa tambià ©n se cancela cuando se sabe o se sospecha que se utiliza para un  fin distinto  al suyo propio. Por ejemplo, cuando una persona con visado de turista pasa una larga temporada en Estados Unidos y decide estudiar en una escuela, high school,  universidad o academia de inglà ©s a tiempo completo. Esto no es correcto, ya que la visa  apropiada es la F-1,  la F-3 para el caso de mexicanos o canadienses en zona fronteriza,  si asà ­ lo prefieren, o la J-1. Otro ejemplo es cuando una persona extranjera ingresa al paà ­s con una visa de paseo pero con la intencià ³n de contraer matrimonio. Si el oficial de inmigracià ³n se da cuenta o en la aduana descubren en su equipaje cosas como el vestido de boda se le negarà ¡ la entrada y se le cancelarà ¡ el visado. Casarse con visa de turista  està ¡ permitido pero puede tener consecuencias muy negativas, por lo que hay que ser muy prudente con lo que se hace y cumplir la ley. 4. La visa tambià ©n es cancelada cuando se sospecha  que puede haber intencià ³n de emigrar. Esto puede suceder cuando una persona con visa de turista entra frecuentemente al paà ­s, por ejemplo a visitar a un familiar. Otro ejemplo puede darse cuando extiende continuamente la estancia. Esos comportamientos son perfectamente và ¡lidos, pero no pueden dar lugar a sospecha de que la intencià ³n es emigrar y quedarse en Estados Unidos. Incluso otras situaciones mà ¡s sutiles pueden dar lugar a problemas como, por ejemplo, no tener un trabajo estable en el paà ­s de origen. 5. Cuando se ha causado que el seguro pà ºblico de Estados Unidos conocido como Medicaid gastos mà ©dicos porque la persona extranjera con visa de turista ha tenido una emergencia sanitaria y no ha pagado la factura ni tampoco su seguro mà ©dico. Es relativamente frecuente descubrir estos casos mà ¡s pronto o mà ¡s tarde  en el caso de papà ¡s que se han desplazado a Estados Unidos para que nazca su hijo y posteriormente se regresan a su paà ­s de origen sin pagar el gasto hospitalario. Esta situacià ³n se detecta cuando se pide el pasaporte americano para el hijo por primera vez o su renovacià ³n. En ese momento, si asà ­ lo desean, las autoridades consulares pueden pedir prueba de que los padres han pagado el hospital en Estados Unidos. La misma prueba la pueden pedir las autoridades de inspeccià ³n en el control migratorio al llegar a Estados Unidos. 6. Cuando a un extranjero se le concede una visa de inmigrante (permiso de residencia, tambià ©n conocido como tarjeta de residencia o green card), se le cancela la visa no inmigrante que pudiera tener. En este caso no hay ningà ºn problema porque cuenta con la green card. 7. Cuando una persona ha sido pedida por un familiar en Estados Unidos. Mientras espera es posible que si tiene una visa de turista vigente, à ©sta sea cancelada, aunque no sucede siempre. Tambià ©n podrà ­a suceder que si viaja, una vez que llegue a las aduanas se encuentre que no se le permite ingresar al paà ­s. Esto no tiene que ser asà ­ siempre, ni mucho menos. Pero es posible. La razà ³n es que segà ºn sean las circunstancias particulares de cada caso puede dar la impresià ³n de que la idea es viajar a Estados Unidos para quedarse a vivir con el familiar que ha hecho la peticià ³n, sin esperar el tiempo de demora, que segà ºn los casos puede ser muy largo, particularmente en el caso de papeles pedidos para hermanos. 8. La visa de turista se cancela automà ¡ticamente si su titular  ha trabajado en Estados Unidos con ese estatus.  Ã‚  Incluso es suficiente tener la intencià ³n de trabajar en Estados Unidos o se sospecha que à ©sa es la intencià ³n del viaje Hay que insistir que legalmente sà ³lo pueden trabajar los ciudadanos, los residentes y las personas titulares de visas que permitan trabajar o que tengan un permiso de trabajo. En ningà ºn caso los extranjeros con una visa de turista pueden aceptar desempeà ±ar una labor remunerada. 9. Cuando la visa tiene un error burocrà ¡tico, como puede ser el mal deletreo de un nombre o apellido o una equivocacià ³n en la fecha de nacimiento. En este caso en concreto la cancelacià ³n no tiene efectos negativos para el titular de la visa que obtendrà ¡ otra con los datos correctos. En estos casos el consulado suele llamar para corregir el error. 10. Cuando el oficial de la CBP que està ¡ en la aduana americana cree que una persona a la que previamente le concedieron la visa era  inelegible  o  inadmisible  para ingresar a los Estados Unidos o  se convirtià ³ en inelegible o inadmisible tras haberle sido aprobado el visado puede proceder a su cancelacià ³n. Esta regla tambià ©n aplica en la frontera o aeropuerto a los ciudadanos de paà ­ses en el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas  que no necesitan una para viajar por negocios o turismo, pero en este caso en vez de cancelar una visa que no existe, se procede a enviarlo de regreso al paà ­s del que procede. Es muy conveniente saber que à ©stas son  22 causas por las que una persona es inadmisible  para USA. El consumo de drogas, que se encuentra entre ellas, es la razà ³n mà ¡s comà ºn por las que se cancela la visa a celebridades extranjeras. Ademà ¡s, estas  20 causas que convierten a una persona en inelegible  por las que el consulado o el oficial de migracià ³n pueden decir no  aprobar o renovar  la visa o para  permitir el ingreso  al paà ­s. Quà © Hacer Cuando La Visa De Turista Ha Sido Cancelada O Revocada Si se quiere tener una nueva visa hay que proceder a aplicar por una de nuevo. Pero en la mayorà ­a de los casos el que se solicite no quiere decir que se vaya a obtener. Por ejemplo, en el caso de haber permanecido en Estados Unidos mà ¡s tiempo del permitido puede darse al mismo tiempo que se aplique el castigo de los tres y de los diez aà ±os. En el caso de que se haya utilizado la visa para fines no autorizados, como por ejemplo estudiar, o para trabajar, no hay castigo pero es muy difà ­cil que en esas circunstancias se obtenga una nueva visa. Cuando ya ha pasado tiempo desde que se produjo la cancelacià ³n y las circunstancias de la persona han cambiado en ocasiones el oficial consular puede sugerir que se solicite un perdà ³n, tambià ©n conocido como waiver o permiso. Evita Que Te Cancelen La Visa Con Conocimiento Toma este quiz sobre visas de turista que hemos elaborado para que compruebes si tienes los conocimientos bà ¡sicos para obtenerla y conservarla. Lo importante es evitar la cancelacià ³n, ya que a partir de ahà ­ puede ser muy complicado volverla a obtener. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Essay on Summer Of 17th Doll Review - 1111 Words

Year 12 Literature SAC Summer Of The Seventeenth Doll The play â€Å"Summer Of The Seventeenth Doll† is a mixture of people’s inability to grow up and let go of dreams, in a typical Australian atmosphere in the nineteen fifties. Ray Lawler focuses on showing the characters finally waking up to their lives and realizing they don’t live in â€Å"heaven, â€Å" within in a simple plot. These techniques allow readers to connect and understand the disillusionment suffered by these Australian’s in this time. Our setting for â€Å"Summer Of The Seventeenth Doll’ is a Melbourne suburb, Carlton. Australia in the fifties had just began massive social and economical development. During the war Australia had relied on the United States of America for support, meaning†¦show more content†¦Nancy wakes up and sees Barney has no desire to ever marry her. In this time if women never got married she was labeled a spinster. Nancy didn’t want to be stereotyped in that category. She will no longer wait around for Barney like Olive does for Roo. Her marriage forms a break in the continuing prolonged dream they all find themselves in. Audience learns early on Olive is more of a child then a woman. She is desperately trying to hang onto her past; she wants to remain stagnant in her imaginary world. It is in here we see the scrambling efforts to remain youthful suffered by the entire group. Olive’s only hope of this is to continue her â€Å"ritual romance† with Roo. So as any desperate women would do, she attempts to replace Nancy with Pearl. This act displays Olive’s true state of mind towards they lay off-season. She needs it to survive. As a barmaid she is already looked down on as it was an unrespectable job, but she keeps her self-esteem and belief in her self up by telling everyone about Roo and the times they have. This imaginary world is what she lives for, and she doesn’t care what she had to do to keep it as long as it remains the same. With the attempt to replace Nancy with Pearl audience see more of their dream disintegrate. Pearl is a representation of a â€Å"new women.† She will not be swept away by the so called romance Olive attempts to convince her she has â€Å"I know what I got is†¦.is five months of heaven.†Show MoreRelatedEssay on Voodoo Religion1819 Words   |  8 Pagescannibalism, and harm. Although the Voodoo religion appears to the outsider as an illusion or falsehood, it has been an instrumental political force because it has helped the Haitians resist domination and form an identity of their own. Since the end of the 17th century, Haitian Voodoo has overcome every challenge it has been faced with and has endured. The religion is based on a polytheistic belief system and represents a significant portion of Haiti’s 8.3 million people. The engaging religion plays an importantRead MoreVoodoo1859 Words   |  8 Pagescannibalism, and harm. Although the Voodoo religion appe ars to the outsider as an illusion or falsehood, it has been an instrumental political force because it has helped the Haitians resist domination and form an identity of their own. Since the end of the 17th century, Haitian Voodoo has overcome every challenge it has been faced with and has endured. The religion is based on a polytheistic belief system and represents a significannot portion of Haitis 8.3 million people. The engaging religion playsRead MoreTrial by Fire16438 Words   |  66 Pagesnever felt anything that hot before,† he said of the heat radiating out of the room. After he patted out the fire on his hair, he said, he got down on the ground and groped in the dark. â€Å"I thought I found one of them once,† he said, â€Å"but it was a doll.† He couldn’t bear the heat any longer. â€Å"I felt myself passing out,† he said. Finally, he stumbled down the corridor and out the front door, trying to catch his breath. 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Forsman, M., Hinttu, S. and Kock, S. (2002) ‘Internationalization from an SME perspective’, paper presented at the 18th Annual IMP Conference, Sept ember, Lyon, pp. 1–12. Freeman, S. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Introduction to Business Free Essays

Wednesday November 1 3, 2013 Homework Chapter 1 1 Professor: Mr. B Introduction to Business Rudy V. Garcia Chapter 1 Who will be the various stakeholders of your business? Pedestrians All High School, Middle School and Elementary Schools students around my neighborhood Churches Attendants Charter Schools attendants All local commerce of my area of performance What are some of the things you can do to benefit your community other than providing Jobs and tax revenue? Provide affordable prices Use local providers Do not use products that contain G. We will write a custom essay sample on Introduction to Business or any similar topic only for you Order Now M. O (Genetically Modify Organisms) Offer Scholarship programs for high scholars with low income How will you establish good relationships with your suppliers? With your employees The best I can offer is a relationship based in honesty and integrity. Also I will take the time to the needs of my employees and work to meet those needs. Do you see any conflict between your desire to be as profitable as possible and your desire to pay employees a living wage? I believe that we reap what we saw. If I am truly involve with the well-being of my employees; they will not only work tor what I pay them tor; they will engage hemselves in the company and be more profitable. Which of the environmental factors outlined in this chapter might have the biggest impact in your business? How? Competing by restructuring and empowerment will be the most difficult area I will have to deal with more than anything. I believe building a team that moves according to the needs of the business is a hard but possible goal; the process to bring together people to work towards one specific task requires time, money and patience. Chapter 2 U. S. Supreme court ruled that cities could have school voucher programs that give oney directly to parents, who could then choose between competing schools, public or private. The idea was to create competition among schools. Like business, schools were expected to improve their services to win students from competitors. The result would be improvement in all schools, private and public, to benefit many students. Do you believe economics principles like competition apply in the both private and public organizations? Be prepared to defend your answer. Yes, I do. Competition opens the door for creativity. I believe that when people immerge themselves into a ompetitive environment they tend to get more creative and also work hard to achieve a goal. Are there other public functions that might benefit from more competition, including competition from private firms? The Law System Transportation Education System Many people say that businesspeople do not do enough for society. Some students choose to go into the public sector instead of business because they want to help others. However, businesspeople say that they do more to help others than nonprofit groups do because they provide Jobs for people rather than giving them charity. Furthermore, they believe businesses create all the wealth that nonprofit groups distribute. How can you find some middle ground in this debate to show that both businesspeople and those who work for nonprofit organizations contribute to society and need to work together more closely to help people? Both are important and complement each other. Business provide the way of creating wealth and nonprofit make society remember to reach out for the less fortunate. Businesses push people to achieve success and thru nonprofit we are reminded that the ultimate level of uccess is achieve by a persona only when this persona gives back to his/her community. How could you use the concepts of Adam Smith to help illustrate your position? Well if we can guide business to be more involve in the community they are surrounded by; business will create more wealth that will impact the lives of the community at the same time. Government will exist only to promote and incentive companies to give back to the community that have make them successful. Chapter 3 About 95% of the world’s population lives outside the United States, but many U. S. ompanies, especially small businesses still do not engage in global trade. Why not? Do you think more small businesses will participate in global trade in the tuture. 7 Why or why not? Global trade demands to spend lot money in resource such as advertisement, licenses, taxes, etc. These expenses make the process hard for small businesses to Join global trade. If the governments around the world approve laws that allow small business to enter in the global trade at a low cost I believe there is chance we can see small companies entering in global trade market. Countries like he United States that have a high standard of living are the referred to as industrialized nations. Countries with a lower standard of living and quality of life are called developing countries (or underdeveloped or less developed countries) what factors prevent developing nations from becoming industrialized nations? One of the mayor problems is the lack of resources such as technology, leadership, not production orientated, disadvantage in global trading, they not own bigger enough ways of massive production, corrupted law systems and economical systems. What can businesses do to prevent unexpected problems in dealing with ociocultural, economic and financial, legal and regulatory, and physical and environmental forces in global market? The best way will be to stay in touch with the needs of their client and ayes open to what the market is requiring to exist. Always being open to enter in new fields and achieve a top creativity vision that allows them to transform themselves to the market. How would you Justify the use of revenue or protective tariffs in todays global market? They lack objective and most of them are doing to elite corporations. How to cite Introduction to Business, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

F. Scott Fitzgeralds novels provide an unparalleled insight into the breed of rich Americans who lived during post

F. Scott Fitzgeralds novels provide an unparalleled insight into the breed of rich Americans who lived during post-WWI Essay F. Scott Fitzgeralds novels provide an unparalleled insight into the breed of rich Americans who lived their young-adulthoods during post-WWI. The main characters of his books encounter these pompous aristocrats with often devastating ramifications. Nick Caraway of The Great Gatsby witnesses his wealthy cousin, Daisy, and her husband, Tom, mar the lives of many members of a lower social class: They were careless people, Tom and Daisythey smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money and let other people clean up the mess they had made Fitzgerald 187-188. The wealthy people of the Jazz Age led purposeless lives and collided with others simply to relieve their boredom. Fitzgerald accurately delineates the emotional decay of the aristocrats during the tumultuous years proceeding WWI. In four of his novels, Fitzgerald employs a rich array of writing devices which serve to develop an overlapping theme of wealth in the early nineteen hundreds. Fitzgerald utilizes such literary elements as point of view, dialogue, and title in his novels This Side of Paradise, The Love of the Last Tycoon, Tender is the Night, and The Great Gatsby in order to convey his belief that avarice for money causes the wealthy to lose their moral values. Fitzgerald utilizes many different points of view in his writings in order to help develop his theme of moral corruption associated with wealth. Two prominent examples of this occur in Fitzgeralds novels Tender is the Night and The Great Gatsby. The former consists entirely of a third person-limited view but follows three different characters at different points in the novel. Rosemary Hoyt and Dick Diver supply the first two views while Nicole Diver provides the last. Nicole represents the corrupt aristocrat who descends from a rich family. The beginning of the section limited to Dicks views and all of the section limited to Rosemarys views present a pleasant outward appearance to the wealthy Nicole. Nicoles prettiness 16 and sophistication obscure Rosemarys youngish perception and forces Rosemary to paint a favorable depiction of Nicole. Fitzgerald uses Rosemarys views to introduce the false faÃÆ' §ade aspect of the rich. The third narrative concerns Nicole herself. Infidelity, drunkenness, and ill will towards her loving husband characterize some of Nicoles actions during this section of the book. The juxtaposition of how Fitzgerald presents Nicole in the first two narratives and her unethical actions in the last narrative, harshly reveal the immoralities that befoul all wealthy people. By using the third-person point of view and highlighting three different characters in Tender is the Night, Fitzgerald slowly unveils the moral bankruptcy characteristic of aristocrats during the early nineteenth century. Nick Caraways first person narrative in The Great Gatsby holds a strong significance because of Nicks claim that he reserve all judgments 5. Throughout the novel, Nick witnesses the wealthy perform immoral acts. Nick learns Jordan Baker, a professional golfer, cheats in her matches. Tom Buchanan, Nicks cousins husband, indulges in an affair with another woman. Daisy Buchanan, Nicks cousin, runs over a woman with a car and drives away. Nick stays true to his declaration and never states his opinion of the corrupt aristocrats until Chapter 9. A former freeloader of Gatsbys named Klipspringer calls Gatsbys house. Nick initially thinks Klipspringer wants to know the time and date of Gatsbys funeral. After all, Gatsby provides Klipspringer with a mansion and food at no charge. Klipspringer, however, only calls to find out how he can recover his tennis shoes, which he left at Gatsby home. Shocked by Klipspringers lack of concern for an unbridled supporter, Nick, ejaculate an unrestrained Huh! 177. Although Nick claims to not pass judgment on people, he cannot help but feel disdain towards Klipspringer. Despite the fact that he is not considered a wealthy person, Klipspringers character still supports the theme of moneys corruption because Gatsby and the new aristocrats he lives off of expose Klipspringer to the life of cupidity. Fitzgerald cleverly establishes a narrator who reserves all judgment his entire life and suddenly abandons that personality in order to convey the significance of the belief that greed causes one to lose ones values. School Vouchers: The Wrong Choice EssayNicole engages in an affair with another man and leaves Dick. The stability of Dicks life never fully recovers after the unexpected divorce. Nicole callous betrayal of dedication to her husband parallels to Ode to a Nightingales narrators wavering opinion of a bird. The title, This Side of Paradise alludes to another poetic piece of literature: Rupert Brookes Tiare Tahiti. The poem describes a picturesque setting which only those who stay withdrawn from the realities of the world can enjoy: Well this side of Paradise! â‚ ¬Ã‚ ¦/Theres little comfort in the wise Brooke, lines 76-77. People who wish to relish the benefits of this paradise must sacrifice a part of their dignity and humanity. Fitzgerald compares extreme wealth to Brookes paradise. The dÃÆ' ©butante, Rosalind, loves Amory and she knows he loves her also. However, Rosalind ignores her true feelings and chooses the suitor with the most financial security. Rosalinds immoral actions causes Amory to slip into a depression that only deepens when he hears, a few months later, that she married the wealthier suitor. The title, The Great Gatsby possesses more symbolism than allusion, but it still holds a strong thematic significance. At the time of the novels publication, Harry Houdini popularized the art of escapism and other forms of magic in the early nineteen hundreds. The Great Gatsby alludes to Houdinis stage name, the Great Houdini. The allusion helps develop Gatsby as a symbol of aristocrats tendency to hide behind the guise of sophistication just as a magician hides behind the secrets of his tricks. Gatsby left his middle-class life by gaining wealth through illicit means. By surrounding himself with a huge mansion and creating lies about his family, Gatsby tries to hide the truth about his past. The Love of the Last Tycoon shares a similar yet less distinct symbolism. Fitzgerald intended that the books title resemble that of a classic movie. The names of films such as The Mask of Zorro, The Life of Emile Zola, and The Prisoner of Zenda all share a similar structure of the, then a noun, then of, then the name or title of the movies subject. Comparing the actions of the rich main character, Monroe Stahr, to the actions of actors in a movie implies that Stahr also possesses a similar guise to that of Gatsby. For most of the novel, Stahr operates based on his feelings of tender love Fitzgerald 88. The title claims that this motivation of love actually lacks any real bearing. Indeed, the Stahr courts Kathleen only because of resemblance to a beautiful actress who married Stahr then died at a young age. Stahr is attracted to Kathleen because of looks, not because of love. All four of these Fitzgerald titles play an important role in conveying the belief that the wealthy lack a moral center. In four of his famous books, Fitzgerald utilizes many different literary elements which function to convey a common theme pertaining to rich Americans. Fitzgeralds use of different point of views, insightful dialogue, and symbolic titles in his novels This Side of Paradise, The Love of the Last Tycoon, Tender is the Night, and The Great Gatsby helps to expound upon the belief that cupidity causes aristocrats to shed their moral values. These four novels exist as everlasting testaments to the life of the wealthy in the early nineteen hundreds. Fitzgerald applies his experiences with the corrupted population of the upper class to his books in order to create an unprecedented chronicle of the revolutionary American era known as the Jazz Age. A history text may recount the important events and dates of this period, but it will never dissect the social mindset of the American population as accurately as Fitzgerald analyzes his morally bankrupt class of citizens.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Napoleons Strategy and Tactics in His Invasion of Russia

Table of Contents Introduction Napoleon’s Strategy and Tactics Conclusion Annotated Bibliography Introduction Napoleon was a great emperor of France with novel military strategies and tactics that enabled him to conquer his enemies and neighboring empires in a bid to expand his territory. His determination to win battles came from his confession that â€Å"there is no man more pusillanimous than I when I am planning a campaign.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Napoleon’s Strategy and Tactics in His Invasion of Russia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More I purposely exaggerate all the dangers and all the calamities that the circumstances make possible†¦I am like an unmarried girl laboring with child† (Nafziger 1989, 23). He derived his military strategies and tactics from inherent fears that kept him on toes due to the imminent battles that revolved in the neighboring empires. The fea rs of losing a battle were constantly haunting him and this prompted him to draw novel strategies and tactics to overcome his enemies. During the great battle of Borodino when he attacked Russia, he demonstrated his military potential and ability to conquer ferocious enemies despite their military prowess. Critical analysis of Napoleon’s strategies and tactics show that his military approach to the decisive Russian battle was quite effective and is still invaluable in contemporary warfare. Napoleon’s Strategy and Tactics Although Napoleon exercised his military powers during the early 19th century, his strategies and tactics are still applicable in the 21st century. According to Nafziger, â€Å"†¦his campaigns formed the basis of military education throughout the western world and a lot of military thinking is still influenced by the great Frenchman† (1989, 26). Since his military strategies and tactics have stood the test of time, which is about two centur ies now, and can still prove to be invaluable in this era of great technology, then it shows that his military skills were and still are quite effective. The effectiveness of military strategies and tactics depends on the ability of military commander to mobilize his armies and resources effectively. Napoleon applied time and space as the components of logistics that are necessary to win a decisive battle when he invaded Russia in 1812. By 1812, Napoleon had led France to become a mighty empire in Europe and he boasted the great achievement that he had made. Given the military status of the French Empire, Napoleon was poised to invade and conquer the independent states of Europe. To achieve his mission, â€Å"he managed to destroy the unity of purpose which had fed the coalitions against France for so long, as Austria, Russia and Prussia were now ready to fight each other as well as to fight France† (Tarle Viktorovich 1979, 356).Advertising Looking for term paper on his tory? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Napoleon knew that the unity of independent European states threatened and would eventually ruin his powerful empire and there would be no legacy left for him and his successor, so he had to destroy their unity before conquering Russia individually. Therefore, he employed the tactic of dividing and conquering. The unique strategy that Napoleon employed as a military commander is the use of military professionalism. Many of his successors regard Napoleon as premier general who conceptualized new strategies and tactics in terms of structure and composition of strong armies; impregnable in the face of threatening enemies. â€Å"Napoleon embodied the idea of the professional military leader, not gaining his position through familial or political connection, but earning it by distinguishing himself in combat† (Hoffman 2005, 122). In his military professionalism, Napoleon took two years in mak ing logistical planning to invade Russia, for he realized that decisive battles demanded proper logistics. Due to his logistical approach to battles, many generals have appreciated his approach and have applied his strategies and tactics, which have proved to give consistent successes in various wars. His presence during war made great difference, as he was indispensable in mobilization of resources and troops. Since Napoleon harbored many fears concerning his great empire, which he had managed to hold together through immense challenges, he wanted to guard it jealously without overlooking any possible threats albeit negligible. Napoleon argues that, â€Å"†¦when I am planning a campaign, I purposely exaggerate all the danger and all calamities that circumstances make possible† (Olszewski 2005, 32). This strategy gave him the advantage in case the potential threat of the enemy was underestimated. During the Russia invasion, Napoleon never at any instance overlooked or un derestimated the battle and consequences that arose, for in his logistical skills, he provided for the worst-case scenarios that were bound to occur in decisive battles like Russia invasion that cost the lives of many soldiers. Primary strategy of Napoleon was to identify the enemy. Identifying the location, composition, and structure of the enemies highlighted any possible threats and imminent calamities, which were very critical in determining whether to go ahead with the battle or not. If the battle was inevitable, then effective strategies and tactics were necessary to combat the enemy.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Napoleon’s Strategy and Tactics in His Invasion of Russia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Hardeman (2006) notes that, â€Å"when facing a foe superior in numbers, the strategy of the central position was employed to split the enemy into separate parts, each of which could then be eliminated in turn by adroit maneuvering†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (175). With this strategy, though overwhelmed by the Russian armies, Napoleon armies managed to kill more of them as compared to their armies who died in the decisive battle. In this case, central position strategy proved useful in combating armies who were mightier while incurring minimal losses and injuries. Napoleon also utilized the strategy of Battalion Square and the tactic of outflanking his enemies. The Battalion Square consisted of an advance guard, which was to identify the enemy, right and left wings who acted as combating troops that marched within the range where they could offer emergency support to both advancing and reserved troops. At the rear end of the advancing army was a reserved troop, which provided extra support in case the advance troop retreated. Rainey argues that, â€Å"Napoleon could use a mere part of his force to tie down and occupy the attention of one enemy, then rapidly move his remaining force s to build up a local superiority against his enemies† (2006, 158). When Napoleon had built local superiority, he employed the tactic of flanking to combat the Russian armies who were too strong for him to conquer, but at least he demonstrated artful military combat. Conclusion Despite the astounding defeat that Napoleon met during his war against Russia, he demonstrated logistical strategies and tactics that many generals consider artful and worth acquiring in the current generation. Napoleon left military legacy as his successors credit him a military genius who made great impact in military reforms and shaped the approaches of decisive battles. His strategies and tactics still echo through 21st century since military academies recognize and approve them as effective and worth learning. Although Napoleon armies terribly suffered after invading Russia, this does not mean that their strategies were ineffective; only that the Russian armies were many, organized, and smarter. An notated Bibliography Hardeman, Richard. â€Å"General Logistics Paradigm: A study of the Logistics O Alexander, Napoleon and Sherman.† Air Force Logistics Management Agency 26, no. 13 (2006): 120-125.Advertising Looking for term paper on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Compares and contrasts logistical strategies and tactics, which great men like Napoleon, Alexander and Sherman employed in their military leadership to conquer battles. It underscores the fact that military logistics forms the central part of effective strategies in decisive battles. Hoffman, Smith. â€Å"Logistics of Waging War.† American Military Logistics Journal 12, no. 4 (2005): 172-189. Emphasizes the importance of military professionalism by applying logistical planning and consultation, in order to accommodate varied ideas that are paramount in assessing looming threats and dangers. Napoleon demonstrated professionalism in his logistical planning to invade Russia. Nafziger, George. Napoleon’s Strategy and Tactics. Ancient Military Journal 58, no. 6 (1989): 17-31. Describes Napoleon strategies and tactics such as divisive diplomacy, military professionalism, logistics, structuring, and composition of the advancing armies. His strategies and tactics enabled him t o survive annihilation during the Russian Invasion. Olszewski, Zbigniew. â€Å"The Battle of Borodino, 1812.† Napoleon Military Conquest 16, no. 9 (2005): 24-47. Portrays Napoleon’s insecure and unassuming character for he never overlooked or underestimated the danger an enemy poses to his empire. It further outlines causes and subsequent implications of the Russia invasion by Napoleon. Rainey, James. Old Lessons New Thoughts. New York: DIANE Publishing, 2006. Explains how old strategies and tactics can be applied into the contemporary world. It also confirms that old lessons of Napoleon strategies and tactics are still invaluable in the current warfare. Tarle, Eugene, and Viktorovich Evgenil. Napoleon’s Invasion of Russia, 1812. New York: Octagon Books, 1979. Analyses strategies and tactics that Napoleon used to invade Russian and gives the strengths and weaknesses that led to eventual defeat of the Napoleon armies. This term paper on Napoleon’s Strategy and Tactics in His Invasion of Russia was written and submitted by user Abbigail Mills to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Bacteria reproduction essays

Bacteria reproduction essays Bacteria are microscopic singular celled organisms grouped in the prokaryote kingdom. They have a seemingly simple internal structure but that is not so the internal structure of a bacterium is quite complicated . Bacterial growth is generally studied in cell cultures by visible count estimation which shows an apparent growth curve. (Stephenson 50) The growth curve shows the stages of bacterial growth within a cell culture. (Thimann 623). Bacteria can survive in a number of different extreme environments from extreme heat to little water. Bacterium have a internal structure that is more complicated than it seems at first. The first part of the bacterium is the plasma membrane which is a selectively permeable barrier that is the boundary of the cell. (Prescott 40) The next portion of a bacterium is the cytoplasmic matrix. The cytoplasmic matrix is the substance lying between the plasma membrane and the nucleoid. (Prescott 45) Although it is generally featureless in a microscopes it can be packed with ribosomes and is generally highly organized. (Prescott 45) The next one is the nucleiod of a bacterium.(Prescott 40) This is the area within a bacterium in which the genetic material of the cell is located. (Prescott 49) The nucleiod itself is not defined by a membrane but is an irregularly shaped region of the cell. (Prescott 50) The gas vacuole of a bacterium is used for buoyancy in aquatic environments. (Prescott 40) This is demonstrated by filling a bottle with Cyanobacteria stopping it with a stopper and then hitt ing the stopper with a hammer.(Prescott 45) The sudden pressure increase causes the gas vacuole to collapse so the bacteria sink to the bottom of the bottle.(Prescott 47) The inclusion bodies within a bacterial cell are storage for different substances such as carbon, phosphate and other substances. ( Prescott 40) The cell wall of Bacteria gives the bacteria shape and protects it from the outside environme...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Refugee Experience in Palestine, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan Assignment

Refugee Experience in Palestine, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan - Assignment Example There are several standards, codes, establishments and practices for ensuring human security. The edges for supporting human security concentrate on its protection as well as its empowerment. Protection necessitates combined efforts to create rules, actions and foundations that methodically defend people from any kind of risk towards violence. Similarly, empowerment allows people to improve their potentials and become significant contributors in decision-making practices which can have an inevitable impact on their regular life. Based on such rudiments, the initiatives taken by states, non-states and intergovernmental organisations for placing human security at foremost programmes can be identified as follows: Inhibiting conflict and encouraging human rights Defending and endowing people and societies Developing democratic philosophies and practices Shielding human security culture and structure2 The military also played a quite significant function in ensuring human security for any state or country. The humanitarian emergencies caused by battle or by natural calamities result in unparalleled waves of ‘long term displacement’ and people who are displaced inside borders are identified as ‘Internally Displaced Persons’ according to the UN Convention 1951 (IDP)4. However, the concept of ‘forced displacement’ can be identified as new inclusion in Palestine, one of the UN countries. In Palestine, refugees are displaced mainly due to restrictions of the native movements internationally, ‘revocation of residency rights’ owing to the military activities of Israel accumulated by the inaccessibility of necessary amenities. The displacement in Palestine is large scale in nature and cause relocation of thousand people at a time5. These ‘long term displacements’ have been noted to result in loss of housing, property and sources of employment. Besides, displacement in Palestine also tend to influence the access for refugees to es sential services and intimidates the stability of families, affecting them to become increasingly dependent on charitable supports.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Work issues Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Work issues - Assignment Example Due to the shortage, nurses have to extend their working hours under hectic, demanding, and traumatic situations. This elevates their chances of experiencing fatigue, are more likely to be harmed as a result of loss of concentration caused by tiredness, and are also likely to appear more de-motivated in their work. Long working hours also increasing the chance of medical errors (Maville and Huerta, 2012). According to Maville and Huerta (2012), "Lack of necessary manpower to provide this care will result to work-related stress; poor health practices such as skipping meals, overeating, or excessive drinking off alcohol; working long hours; and possibly physical and mental exhaustion or profession dropout" (p. 441). It is also worth noting that the quality of health care as well as delivery is affected by nursing shortages. Less motivated nurses as a result of being overworked are more likely to deliver low quality services. Delivery of services is affected as patients have to wait for long hours queuing in health institutions as a result of inadequate nurse to patient ratio (Maville and Huerta, 2012). In conclusion, inadequate number of nurses attending to the high number of patients in many health institutions can have health consequences on the part of nurse due to long working hours, low levels of concentration on their work, low levels of motivation, and also patient spend a lot of time

Monday, November 18, 2019

Financial Statements and the Monetary Situation of Morrisons Essay

Financial Statements and the Monetary Situation of Morrisons - Essay Example The report is aimed towards guiding interested shareholders to rationally invest in Morrisons Supermarkets. Morrisons is one of the largest chains of supermarkets located in the U.K. The firm has their headquarters located in Bradford, England. Morrisons is counted amongst the big four supermarkets in the U.K, after Tesco, Sainsbury, and Asda. Currently, the company holds approximately 11% market share in the supermarket sector of the U.K. The company had initially begun as retailers of butter and egg in the year 1899. However, the firm has remained successful in expanding itself and presently it has 515 superstores and 113 local stores spread across the U.K, England, Wales, and Scotland. The U.K supermarkets are highly competitive and also possess the ability to earn a very high level of revenues. Consumers, in general, are seen to gain benefits from such high competition as they are able to procure goods and services at reduced prices. The purpose of the paper is to understand how analysis of financial statements facilitates better investments decision making. Income statements are prepared to estimate the level of profitability existing in a firm. They also indicate the efficiency with which an organization performs and earns revenue. Investments decisions are crucial as they may either cause a shareholder to earn adequate profits or lose earnings on the capital invested. Shareholders face the risk of losing their savings if financial statement interpretations are not carried out effectively. The income statement is essentially a summary of the incomes and expenses of a firm presented in a summarised form for a particular period. By analyzing the incomes, expenses and the profits of a number of years, investors can understand how effectively a firm manages their internal operating expenses so as to earn sufficient profits.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Rise And Growth Of Communalism

Rise And Growth Of Communalism India has always been a hub of cultural and religious diversities and its orientation goes back in the historical times. India has a number of religions and they co-exist side by side peacefully. This diversity includes a large number of Hindu populations and a minority of Muslims. Despite this factor there had never been much of a problem between the two religions. So what led to the disputes between these two diverse religions? There is a belief that people following same religion have common thinking and cultural, social, economical and political interests. The communalist emphasizes that Hindus and Muslims cannot have common secular interests, instead their interests are bound to be opposed to each other. Hindu, Muslim, Sikh and Christian communalisms have similar ideologies. The rise and growth of communalism Communalism emerged as a consequence of the emergence of modern politics. As Jawaharlal Nehru said One must not forget that communalism is a latter-day phenomenon which has grown up before our eyes, which means that this ideology came into being in the recent-past and it was a result of the conditions which have in other societies produced similar ideologies and phenomenon. The consciousness of communalism in India arose under the impact of colonialism and the need to fight against the system, which was not accepted by the citizens of India during the colonial rule. The new ways of common interests started building up amongst the people because of the growing political, economic and social amalgamation of the regions, the developing opposition between colonialism and the citizens of India and the common desire to make India into a nation. This also followed from the birth of the new politics during the late 19th century. It was based on the increasing number of politicization and mob ilization of the Indians. The transformation in the ideologies was a gradual and difficult process. The process included the spread of modern ideas of cultural and linguistic development, nationalism and the need to raise voice against discrimination on the basis of region, race, religion, caste, color, etc. In the process of spreading and accepting these ideas and identities, gave a way to some other new ideas and identities. The religiousness consciousness was transformed into communal consciousness in some parts and sections of the country. This transformation took place as there were some factors that favored its growth in that situation and served these sections of the society. The ideology of communalism grew across the country during in the 20th century as it had political and socio-economic roots. The resulting economic downfall and the impact on the Indians produced conditions which were favorable to division and opposition within the society. Some of the problems like unemployment, especially for th e educated middle and lower-middle classes who could not fall back on their land and the absence of development of health, education, etc., led to socio-economic deterioration. This situation gave birth to some of the popular movements including nationalist movement, which enabled to look for long term solutions to the problems of the people by fighting against colonialism. The lower-middle and middle classes were the ones who were part of the military nationalist movement and left wing parties. But because of intense competition after the economic downfall among the individuals for jobs, the middle class individuals used other group identities such as religion, caste, region, etc. for getting a larger share of economic opportunities. Communalism benefitted these individuals in the short run but at the same time gave birth to communal politics. People started using this technique of communalism to achieve their individualistic goals. However, it played short-term and partial role in the social existence of the middle classes. Communalism often misinterpreted social tension and class conflict between the exploiters to different religions as communal conflict. Most often, the exploiting sections were the upper class Hindus and the exploited were Muslims or lower class Hindus. The Muslim communalists used to grumble that the Hindus are exploiting Muslims or the Hindu Communalists used to complain about the Muslims destroying their property. The struggle between landlords and tenants in various parts of the country also portrayed the struggle between Muslims and Hindus. The landlord-moneylender coercion, attack by rural poor on rural urban and many such cases were represented as oppressions by Muslims on Hindus or by Hindus on Muslims. One aspect of the growth of communalism in Punjab was the attempt by the higher level Muslim landlords to protect their economic and social position by using the way of communalism as revenge against the act performed by the Hindu moneylenders and traders against the Muslim ten ants to protect their threatened class interests. Communalism also enabled the colonial rulers and the upper classes to unite with the lower classes and to utilize the politics of the later to serve their own needs. The Divide and Rule policy under the rule of British bore special responsibility for the growth of communalism in modern India. But it is true that the reason for this success was the internal political and social conditions. They used communalism to counter and weaken the growing national movement. It was being portrayed as a problem of the defense of minorities by the British. The disunity between Hindus and Muslims and the need to protect the minorities and the suppression by the majority was a form of justification for protection of the British rule. An attempt was made to put caste against caste, region against region, leftist against rightist and even one class against the other. But the most successful was the communal division which survived till the end. The colonial authorities did whatever they could do by staking everything on it to make Indians fight against each other. Communalism was not developed to such an extent that it could divide the country into two, but the powerful support of the colonial rule increased the chances of division of the country. It was communalism that helped the British in influencing the workers, the middle and lower middle classes and the peasants which gradually included all the sections of the society. The peasants during the 19th century lacked the understanding of the colonial system and the social movements itself and also lacked the possession of new ideologies that we as a nation can have a concept of an alternative and self-governing society. The concept that would unite the people in a common struggle and develop political movements that would last for a long term. On 26th March 1902, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, in one of his speeches included the condition of the country, the condition of finances of the country and the poverty of the people. He came to a conclusion that the condition of the people is deteriorating gradually and its the worse in the economic history of the world. He set to analyze the budget in detail and showed how the land and other taxes had been going up even in cases of drought and famine. He asked for reduction of these taxes so that the middle and the lower middle classes would not be harassed. He was victorious as his proposal was accepted by the British government. Bharat Singhs, one of the revolutionaries, approach towards politics was very secular and he understood the conditions of the people more clearly and the danger that communalism posed to the nation and the national movement. He and his companions were against and openly opposed the suggestion that youth belonging to religious-communal organizations should be appointed as a member of the Sabha. He wrote that a new group of youth was coming forward who did not recognize any differences based on religion and saw a person as a human being and then as an Indian, instead of discriminating on the basis of religion. He admired Lala Lajpat Rai as a leader but he didnt stand by him during the last years of his life as Lajpat Rai switched to communal politics. He saw the importance of making the people free from all the mental burden of religion. A large number of revolutionaries started criticizing the colonial ideologies and some turned to Marxism, some had the idea of a socialist revolution and the others joined the Revolutionary Socialist Party, the Communist Party, the Gandhian wing of the Congress and the other Left parties. In the years following the Non-cooperation Movement, 1922, the conviction of nationalism was still alive in the hearts of the Gandhian followers, who kept the Government on its toes by not following the colonial policies and protested and fought for their rights. The colonial operations by the British colonialists in India led to growth of the communal organizations and movements. These organizations focus on promoting the interests of that particular community. Some of these organizations were Hindu Mahasabha, All India Muslim League, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, etc. Indian National Congress (INC) was found in the 1885 in order to narrow the Hindu-Muslim divide and all sorts of discrimination between Indians on the basis of religion. But Sir Sayed and many such Muslim leaders portrayed the Congress as a representative body of Hindus, so they tried to hinder the unity between Hindus and Muslims. Poor participation of Muslims in the INC proves it. The majority of number of seats was being dominated by Hindus. At the same time Hindus were against the Congress as the religious and communal leaders thought that this movement was supportive of the Western cultural assault. All India Muslim League was a movement that started by the Muslim leaders on 30th December 1906 as a proposal for a political association for the Muslims in India. The motive behind this proposal was to counter Congress influences, to protect Muslim interests and to support the British administration. The 1st meeting of this proposed entity took place in Karachi on the 20th December, 1907. It gave the Muslim leaders a platform on local, national and international levels. Khilafat Movement (1919-24), was an Islamic movement in India during the colonial rule. It was an effort by the Indian Muslim community to unite together against the Turkish Empire ruled by the Khalifa, whom the Muslims considered as the caretaker of Islam. The leaders involved the Khilafat movement fully supported the non-violent methods of Gandhi facilitating the establishment of Muslims and Hindus against colonialism. This effort formed a major threat to the British rule. This movement did not last long and resulted in violent incidents and the final outcome was deaths of many Indian and British people. Muhammad Ali Jinnah, one of the members of the Gandhis congress party, made speeches on pressurizing Hindus and Muslims to live together, but later in 1935 when he returned to India he came up with a mission to save Indian Muslims from Hindu domination. He built up a moribund Muslim League which he later disclosed that this union was only for the Muslims. Hindu Mahasabha was a Hindu nationalist organization which was found in 1915 to oppose the Indian National Congress and the All India Muslim League. This movement started at a small scale as a conference in Allahabad by the leading Hindus. Many socio-political problems led to emergence of Hindu Mahasabha as a communal organization. A certain section of Hindus decided to organize the Hindus with the motive of self-defense. Madan Mohan Malaviya enlightened his fellow Hindus that Muslims and Christians had been carrying on activities since a long time resulting in non-participation of Hindus. Conclusion There have been many such conflicts between Hindus and Muslims in India since the beginning of the colonial rule which may be in the form of violence or non-violence. Before the colonial rule, both the religious groups: Hindus and Muslims were able to live together peacefully. There were communal movements and conflicts in the country which were based on religious communities and strong feelings of nationalism in India during the late 19th century. Some Muslim leaders desired to call for a communal Muslim society. This belief led to initiation of a separate community for Muslims. It became very difficult for them to follow the colonial policies, culture and power. They started refusing to learn English and to associate with the British. They found that Hindus were at better positions with the British in government than they were and they started believing that they favored Hindus. On the other hand, Hindus protested against the Indian National Congress and the All India Muslim League as they believed that the other religious communities were getting the opportunity to participate in political events but they were neglected. The British took advantage of the disputes and misunderstandings between these two religious groups by strategizing one against the other and by favoring the seemingly more peaceful Hindus and Sikhs over the Muslims and enforcing their belief systems upon each religion. Jinnah took an astonishing decision by demanding a separate nation for Muslims in the sub-continent. Later, in the year 1947 he was rewarded with a new country, Pakistan because of the growing communal tensions.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Global Workforce Integration Essay -- Labor Outsourcing Integrating Es

Global Workforce Integration Outsourcing, offshoring, and workforce globalization. Those words were voiced late 1999 in Seattle inside and outside the World Trade Organization meeting. Damages in Seattle amounted to $2.5 million, and 500 plus protesters were arrested. 3 In those days, outsourcing was about moving manufacturing jobs to developing countries to take advantage of the lower salary there. The affected blue-collar US workers were acting violently out of anger and frustration since their jobs were taken away. White collar population didn ¡Ã‚ ¯t voice any opinions about the issue back then, since US had the largest demand for white collar workers. Today, white collar workers are feeling the pressure of outsourcing in America and starting to discuss the matter seriously. According to researchers at UC Berkeley, 1 in 10 current job positions in the US can be outsourced, while 1 in 6 Silicon Valley jobs are vulnerable to outsourcing. 4 Since software facilitates the white collar job outsourcing and software development is one field most prone to outsourcing, I will focus on the outsourcing issues related to software. I have chosen three specific computer companies  ¨C Peoplesoft, Oracle, HP  ¨C to discuss their outsourcing trends and make inferences about the global effects. In the end, I hope to arrive at a decision about outsourcing from the ethical analysis of the outsourcing issue. But first, let ¡Ã‚ ¯s have a look at why outsourcing is being applied to white collar job positions today. Why Outsource? A major reason for outsourcing is pay difference. Even though we have currency exchange rates between different countries ¡Ã‚ ¯ currencies, the exchange rates are only for monetary values and don ¡Ã‚ ¯t sh... ... d=20040221 3. Seattle Post-Intelligencer, The WTO Legacy, http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/wto/ 4. San Francisco Chronicle, Looking Offshore, Feb 7th, 2004, http://www.sfgate.com/cgi- bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2004/03/07/BUGMJ5FA9G1.DTL 5. Yahoo Currency, http://finance.yahoo.com/m5?a=1&s=USD&t=CNY 6. SFC 7. SFC 8. A. Aneesh, Programming Globalization: Technological Modes of Labor Integration, forthcoming 9. WebEx, http://www.webex.com 10. SFC 11. SFC 12. SFC 13. SFC 14. SFC 15. NEELESH MISRA, Associated Press Writer, Yahoo News, March 12th, 2004, http://story.news.yahoo.com/news? tmpl=story&u=/ap/20040312/ap_on_bi_ge/india_outsourcing_1 16. SFC 17. SFC 18. SCU, Engineering Handbook - Ethics, http://cseserv.engr.scu.edu/NQuinn/COEN288/EngrHandbook_Ethics.pdf 19. SCU 20. SCU

Monday, November 11, 2019

What is the Victorian attitude

The typical Victorian woman was expected to bear her husband children, to ensure her family's happiness, to be suppressed and to show minimal emotion. Hence, true love was not as common as present day, especially for the upper class, who were being constantly being scrutinized by society. These attitudes are explored in ‘Jude the Obscure', ‘Sonnet VI' from Sonnets from the Portuguese, and ‘Jane Ere'. The main attitude towards love in Victorian society was that it was a career move for men, and a way for a woman to secure her position in life and the security of her children.Hence it was important to put love last to marry well, as your future depended on it. The Victorian novel ‘Jude the obscure' partially rejects this idea. In the case of Suede's marriage to Rubella, although there was some original attraction, due to Rubella's flirtatious nature, Jude quickly realizes that Rubella is not the one for him. However before he can break up with her, she tells him she is pregnant, and therefore he marries her, as it is the only noble thing to do.Again in Cue's marriage to Mr.. Philologist, it is not a career move. Philologist is belly in love with Sue, however his love is requited, and Sue only loves him as a friend. However, perhaps as a reaction to Jude confessing that he was married to Rubella, Sue acts rashly and marries Philologist. In both cases, the main objective of the marriages where not to progress in society, but on the other hand, neither were because of love either, therefore this attitude towards love is only partially rejected.Sue and Suede's relationship is built on true love, in that sense this attitude is fully rejected, however they have no intention of getting married, and due to the volatility of their characters, Cue's n particular, it is uncertain how long their relationship will last. Elizabeth Barrett Borrowing's sonnet also rejects this attitude of marriage being a necessity in society, and love was more of an afte rthought. Throughout the sonnet, she uses very beautiful and positive imagery when describing her emotions towards Richard. â€Å"l shall command/ The uses of my soul, nor lift my hand/ Serenely in the sunshine as before. The use of â€Å"command† suggests that she is in control, however she then talks about the â€Å"uses of [her] soul† it changes her meaning a bit. It could be interpreted as her thoughts Of him controlling her. Or it could also mean that all she can think about is him, and nothing else, and she can't control her thoughts. The next part paints a positive image, about no longer having to block out the sunshine, this may be construed as her having to stop thinking about him. The sunshine could be referring to Richard, or his love for her, or her love for him.The â€Å"lift my hand† may be referring to her blocking her love for him, or his advances towards her, in both interpretations she blinds herself to Richard. However the message is that she is partially committed and feels it is right, and she no longer has to stop herself from thinking about him or blocking his advances towards her. Browning rejects this attitude to love, and presents an argument that love can be true love. ‘Jane Ere' also rejects this attitude, and Jane chooses true love over this opportunistic love. SST. John, Cane's cousin, proposes to her even though he doesn't really love her.He believes that she can fulfill the duties he needs for his wife to do as he embarks on his journey to India as a missionary. Jane doesn't love him either and therefore turns down his proposal, much to his annoyance. â€Å"God and nature intended you for a missionary's wife†¦ A missionary's wife you must shall be. You shall be mine: I claim you -? not for my pleasure, but for my Sovereign's service. † SST. John's proposal is far from romantic, and in comparison with Rochester, has no love, or any emotion. The whole proposal is imperative, commanding Jane to agree and be his wife.He uses â€Å"God† and â€Å"nature† to suggest that this is God's plan, and it is only natural that Jane play out this role and fulfill her duty. SST. John says it is not for his pleasure, telling the reader that he has no romantic feelings towards Jane. He then goes on to say it is for â€Å"my Sovereign's service†, thus agreeing with the attitude of love, as marrying Jane would propel him in society and his career, and love is not of importance. Jane rejects SST. John's proposal because it would have been a loveless marriage, whereas she agrees to Rochester's proposal because of their mutual romantic love for each other.In the Victorian era, this would have been very uncommon, as most people put love last for marriage, Cane's effuse of this however shows that not everyone in Victorian society accepted this, and some craved for true love. Marriage was supposed to be a way of securing a future and a necessity of advancing yourself. Due to the laws at the time, marriage was a very final affair, to divorce or to separate was extremely frowned upon by society and even when that occurred there would be complications for both parties and children, e. . If divorced, any children would be declared illegitimate immediately. This made a lot of women nervous about making any commitment to their suitors. This idea is explored extensively in ‘Jude the Obscure', with Sue Bridgehead constantly questioning society attitude towards marriage. She challenges the accepted norm, that the institution of marriage is more of a trap than a declaration of love. She criticizes society's inability to accept the breaking of this commitment that most people are emotionally unequipped to fulfill.She strongly feels that the contractual nature of the agreement will kill the little spontaneity and romance that existed before the marriage. She says â€Å"It is foreign to a man's tauter to go on loving a person when he is told that he must a nd shall be a person's lover What is interesting with this is that although she constantly talks about women being the ones who have to adhere to society's standards and sacrifice all individuality, here she uses â€Å"he†. This may be to effectively convey her reasoning to Jude and get her points across in a way that he'd understand.Also she refers to â€Å"man's nature†, implying that it is unnatural and against human nature to be confined to these legal obligations. This opinion of hers is further reinforced by her horror when visiting the squalid egotist office, as well as her aversion to having a church wedding. This shows her abhorrence to the legality of getting married, and comes into play when she refuses to marry Jude, although they lead a happy unmarried life together for a few years. In Borrowing's Sonnet VI from ‘Sonnets from the Portuguese' she also mentions this wariness of marriage.She begins the sonnet with this uncertainty, â€Å"Go from me. Ye t feel that I shall stand/ Henceforth in thy shadow. † The first phrase is an imperative; however she follows this quickly with a pivot, â€Å"Yet'. This shows that she is torn between loving him or not, as it is a massive risk. Structurally, Browning has placed this right at the beginning of the sonnet, signaling to the author that this has ensures has plagued her mind for a long time, and it's the first thing she thinks about.Also it could suggest that since the very start, she has been unsure as to whether she loves him, and she knows the consequences of committing right from the beginning. This emotion is typical of many of Browsing earlier sonnets from her series â€Å"Sonnets from the Portuguese† as it is the beginning of their arthritis and she is still uncertain whether this is the man for her. This decision will influence her whole future, so she is very tentative in her feelings towards Richard Browning.Charlotte Bronze also explores this concept In Jane Ere, after Mr. Rochester proposes to Jane, she goes into much deliberation and a lot of dialogue is exchanged between them before she agrees to give herself to him, as his bride. â€Å"rare you in earnest? Do you truly love me? Do you sincerely wish me to be your wife? † This quote is made entirely of questions, as she is unsure if she can trust what he is saying to be rue. She uses strong adverbs such as â€Å"truly/' and â€Å"sincerely' as she wants to be entirely sure of his devotion to her.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

DNA patterns- estd or not essays

DNA patterns- est'd or not essays Look at the people in the room. They look 99.9 percent identical. They should. We are all part of a common species. Look again at the poeple in the room. Everyone is made of DNA. The DNA sequences among human beings are unique. No human that has ever lived has had the same DNA sequence, unless someone has an identical twin, then they would have the same DNA sequence. For many years, law enforcement officials have used fingerprints to uniquely identify individuals or to link criminals to the scene of a crime. Fingerprints are very helpful, except that for many crimes, no fingerprints are left behind. Thus, the idea of DNA identification is born. I believe that a national identification system is not necessary. I also believe it is wrong. Just as I believe abortion, capital punishment, and the government as a whole is wrong. I feel that a national identification system would cause riots and rebellion. I believe in a higher power, such as God. I believe all evil inflicted upon a person by another person is wrong. Therefore, anything that will cause the evil to be brought upon, such as DNA identification, is wrong. In the end, there will be a greater power than one's self. God will judge ALL. Any evil left in the world will vanish and all the good shall rise up with God in a perfect world where evil is unknown, love is abundant, and the past will be forgotten. If I had the power to prevent the national identificaton system from being established, I would not hesitate one second, but since I am just a small female in a world of billions, I shall just give my opinion that it is wrong, and pray that I am heard. ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Aims and Objectives-Environmental Education Essays

Aims and Objectives-Environmental Education Essays Aims and Objectives-Environmental Education Paper Aims and Objectives-Environmental Education Paper Objectives of Environmental Education Laid against an ecological format, the information gleaned through the study of all these varied disciplines gives us a holistic view of the environment for sustaining life On earth on an infinite time scale. The unlimited exploitation of nature (environment) by mankind for the sake of development has threatened the sun. vial of not just human beings but also all other living organisms. The number of living species has decreased, a large number are threatened, and many are even extinct. Human beings too, are suffering from various health problems. Today India is one of the top 10 industrialized countries in the world and the ever-increasing elution levels in its environment are affecting all living organisms. People around the world are enjoying economic growth at the cost of quality of human life. So the need of the hour is to save our environment by following a suitable developmental policy. This necessitates the knowledge of our environment, its components and the different issues affecting the environment. Education for environmental awareness is required not only for environmental scientists, engineers, policymakers or Nags, but also for every one of us. Only environmental study can make us conscious and careful bout the environment. Environmental education is aimed at developing environmental ethics in people. It teaches them the importance of conservation of life and biodiversity of the environment. Environmental study also teaches people to understand their role in the environment and learn to live with limited natural resources so as to avoid future disasters. The casual attitude of human beings towards the environment and its conservation is the root cause of all environmental problems. Therefore, proper education and public awareness are necessary to tackle environmental problems. Towards this end, environmental studies will provide sufficient knowledge about the philosophy, genesis and consequences of local and global environmental problems and the necessary knowledge for their abatement and control. Thus, for a sustainable environment and for the survival of the present and future generations, environmental education is necessary.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Creating Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Creating Art - Essay Example The majority of two-dimensional art is carried out on paper. The supplement of novel technology has made photography additionally available to early infantile programs. Many probabilities for two-dimensional art exist, for instance, rubbing, collage, stenciling, cutting, printing, pasting, along with torn paper painting. Finger paint is a supplementary medium, which is intriguing to young kids. In the present day, it is conceivable to construct art using the software presently available for computers. Many instruments exist for utilization by young kids that encourages their artwork creation. The more appropriate ones include digital cameras, overhead projectors, internet, MS Word programs, and special notes. Three-dimensional art is known as art to creations, which have substance. This means that they stand upright as an alternative to lying down flat on surfaces. Clay referred to as â€Å"real artist† consists of earth and is regularly bought within art storehouses or even from a supply house. Wood scarps, along with pieces of plywood have the aptitude to be utilized to create projects that are three-dimensional. Plastic or even Styrofoam cups offer an additional creation material (Isbell & Raines, 2013). Storing work that is in progress is important and educators must find a place within the classroom where kids are able to store their half-finished work. Various art is created by a kid at the same time as he or she is working on a particular item in an individual manner (Isbell & Raines, 2013). As young kids turn out to be additionally skilled with art, the components, as well as materials, they are able to start working on projects as groups so that they can get opportunities, work collaboratively, study from others, and cooperate with each other on ideas. The art center or studio is a particular area within the classroom that is meant to serve as the center for creations that are

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Questions from international business competing in the global Assignment

Questions from international business competing in the global marketplace 8th edition by 'Hlll - Assignment Example Each country has a role to keep its network secure irrespective of the source of the suspicious cyber activities. China thus ought to protect its network from criminal activities of that manner. Cyberspace demands a lot of confidence in our current society. Hence, China should take action against such breach of security and confidentiality. All the investigation done pertaining to the case pointed China as the source and thus Google was left with no option but to stop the censorship. This should come as a warning for nations that do not protect the confidentiality of cyberspace. In my opinion, Google should have not censored China given its slogan against evil. This is because it would obviously be tough to rule where the government is deciding otherwise. Furthermore, there is no way conflict would be avoided where the interests are different as is the case with Google and Chinese government. However, looking at the positive side for Google, entering into self-censorship would benefi t the company because China is a potentially profitable market for Google. Hence, the best thing for Google is to allow the government to take charge of the censorship and reap the benefit of profits on its side as long as the security and confidentiality of other nations is not threatened. ... Thus without the search engines, this would be a challenge to China. The economy of China would be affected adversely as well as the general public (education and research) together with its government (Publicity). For the search engines, there is not much to lose because they would simply fail to invest there and conduct their business elsewhere. Hence, they would just lose once i.e. on the investment already made but China would suffer technology wise forever. Question 2 Wal-Mart is global merchandise with many stores all over the world. Its success in Mexico could be related to the acquiring of Cifra. This was the leading chain of stores at the time and offered self-service. After its acquisition, the firm added numerous innovations that had been perfected in the US. For instance, changes in pricing as well as supplies among others. The Mexicans like to have their goods fresh and this was offered by the firm. Further, the firm did not have any major competitors and thus had the ma rket to lead. Additionally, the Mexicans accepted their customer service and hence there was no doubt that it would succeed. Lastly, Wal-Mart opened smaller stores in order to cater for the needs of the masses and it was a welcome to most of the Mexicana. However, the success story is not similar in nations like Germany and China. Wal-Mart failed in Germany because the firm made many blunders in its operations since the very first day there. The firm has not found a solution to any of these problems so far. One of the major mistakes the company committed was making an acquisition entry which was flawed strategy to employ at the launching level. The management was through hubris as well as clash of cultures and thus would not stand. Wal-Mart also failed

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Learning disability is a growing problem in the UK Essay

Learning disability is a growing problem in the UK - Essay Example Quine (2003) studied a sample of 200 five to 18-year-olds with learning disabilities and identified a range of behaviour difficulties such as: attention seeking (29%), over activity (21%), temper tantrums (25%), aggressiveness (21%), screaming (22%), wandering off (18%), destructiveness (14%) and self-injurious behaviour (12%). Kiernan and Kiernan (2000) found that in a study of 68 schools for children with severe learning disabilities, 8% were thought to have extremely difficult or very difficult behaviour and a further 14% who were thought to have behavioural difficulties of a lesser nature. They calculated that somewhere in the region of 2000 children in England and Wales alone will present with severe difficulties, and that a further 3400 will present with difficulties of a lesser nature. As introduced above, the determining, the prevalence of behaviour analysis is difficult, in part because of inadequate operationalization of the term. The preferred term, behaviour analysis, is regarded by a number of commentators as problematic, because of its tendency to be used over-inclusively for a range of other conditions (Slevin 2000, Gates 2002). Consequently, in the current study, to achieve conceptual clarity the term was operational zed to refer exclusively to children with learning disabilities who predominantly demonstrated behavioural difficulties. ... Nihira (2000) has divided behavioural difficulties into six subcategories: violent and antisocial behaviour, rebellious behaviour, untrustworthy behaviour, destructive behaviour towards property or self, stereotyped and hyperactive behaviour and inappropriate body exposure. These six subcategories have been developed into an eight category scale: The British Association on Learning Disabilities, Adaptive Behaviour Scale-Residential and Community 2nd Edition (UKLD ABS: RC: 2) (Nihira et al. 2000). The manifestation of any behaviour that fell into any of these eight subcategories, at a level that caused parental distress, was used in this study as evidence of behaviour difficulties. Learning Disabilities and Developmental Disabilities. A relatively unexplored conceptual issue is the relationship between learning disabilities and developmental disabilities. This relationship is important to the topic of this article because the emphasis on functionality in the recent UKLD definition (Luckasson et al., 2001) is conceptually similar to that found in the definition of developmental disabilities (Beirne-Smith et al., 2000). Furthermore, Learning Disabilities have always been considered the most common type of developmental disability. As defined in the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000 (P.L. 98-527), a developmental disability refers to a severe, chronic condition that causes substantial functional limitations in three or more major life activities. This primary component of the definition is very similar to the UKLD definition's specification of limitations in two or more applicable adaptive skill areas. For a comparison among the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

University of California Irvine Essay Example for Free

University of California Irvine Essay I believe that the best aspects about the University of California Irvine’s business program are its competent and highly knowledgeable educators, its friendly environment, and its highly-competitive and extensive curriculum. For me, these three aspects not only place the school as one of the top universities, but it also moulds students to become adept and highly skilled professionals in their careers. Furthermore, I believe that UCI’s business program would more than provide me with the necessary skills and knowledge that would enable me to become a highly competent and very successful businessman. In addition, considering the UCI’s well-established reputation, the school would also teach me the right attitudes and inculcate in me the proper values that I need to achieve my goals. However, aside from the fundamentals in business, the program would also allow me specialize in other areas such marketing, finance, accountancy, and management, among others. In other words, if am accepted into the program, I would have the potential to become not only a top-caliber businessman, but also an adept professional in marketing analysis, business management, and corporate accountancy. Moreover, the UCI’s campus has a very rich environment, especially the Aldrich Park, which is highly suitable for learning. For me, its amazing architecture and beautiful surroundings effectively facilitates interaction among peers and contributes to its students’ enthusiasm to study, which I believe are two important things that would help me in my professional and personal growth. Over-all, I believe that if am blessed and fortunate enough to be accepted in the school’s business program, I would no doubt be learning from best and as a result, I would be able to excel in any endeavor or any field I would choose.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Relationship Between Grete And Gregor Samsa English Literature Essay

The Relationship Between Grete And Gregor Samsa English Literature Essay Franz Kafkas The Metamorphosis was first published in 1915. The short story depicts the struggle of a family trying to cope with the insect transformation of the antagonist, Gregor. While there are multiple themes displayed in Kafkas text, the relationship between Gregor Samsa and his younger sister, Grete, is perhaps one of the principle themes in this short story. Once a close and loving relationship between Gregor and his sister, their bond slowly erodes over time as she grows older and the family matters continually worsen on account of Gregors metamorphosed appearance. In the second section of the story, after Gregors transformation, Grete is the only one of the family members to attempt to care for Gregor and seemingly really sympathize with his condition. Gregors Mother is shocked by his appearance, she cannot bear to see him, and his father is hostile and violent toward his son. Although still fearful of his new insect form, Grete still shows genuine affection for Gregor and on her own makes the decision to care of him consequently making her the only one to face Gregor on a daily basis. She feeds him and takes careful notice of what his new appetite prefers. In order to discover which foods Gregor liked and disliked, she brought him a wide selection that she spread out on an old newspaper. There were old, half-rotten vegetables, bones left over from the evening meal covered with congealed white sauce, a few raisins and almonds, some cheese that Gregor had considered inedible two days ago, a slice of dry bread, a slice of bread and butter, and a slice of bread and butter with some salt (pg. 290). Gregor greatly appreciates this as he is able to show his sister what foods he really does enjoy. Aside from becoming the self appointed caretaker of Gregor, Grete also assumes the role of Gregors spokesperson to the family. After attending to Gregor in the evening she had to give a detailed report about how the room looked, what Gregor had eaten, how he had behaved [that] time, and whether perhaps some slight improvement was noticeable (pg. 294) Grete serves as the only link between Gregor and the mother and father. Gregor is very grateful for his sisters intricate care and he feels quite comfortable as an insect with high hopes that everything will return back to normal. In an attempt to again accommodate Gregors new needs, Grete decides it would be best to remove the furniture in his room in order to allow more crawling space for him. After convincing her mother this is a good course of action, they decide to remove the furnitu re while the father is not present due on account he may disapprove or violently interfere. Although Gretes actions were of good intention, her plan ends in disaster when Gregor attempts to stop the removal of his furniture and shocks his Mother provoking his father to attack and injure him. Thus ensues a great severance in Gregors relationship with his sister. Signs of change in Gretes demeanor and behavior toward Gregor are first seen toward the end of the second section in the story. Grete undoubtedly begins to forget that this insect is her brother and that he still manifests human feelings and desires. She becomes less sensitive in her actions when attending to Gregors den as it is now referred to. In one paragraph, Grete is shown frantically tearing the window open to allow fresh air into the dank and musty air filled room. She seems to even become less tolerable of her brothers appearance over time. On one occasion she came a little earlier than usual and caught Gregor as he was looking out the window, motionless and terrifyingly uprightà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.but not only did she not enter, she also actually jumped back and shut the door (pg.294). Completely inconsiderate of her brothers feelings she has made it known to him that she can no longer bare the sight of his insect form. Gregor in a selfless act to save his sister from having to see him takes on the daunting four hour task of draping the sheet over the couch he hides under thus hiding him from anyones view. Even the first words You Gregor, (pg. 297) spoken by Grete to Gregor are those of anger and distaste with a raised fist after the mother had fainted at the sight of her son. After the events on that night, the family increasingly becomes more morose and distracted to pay much attention to Gregor. 4 In the third section, Grete, has earned a job as a salesgirl and begins to neglect taking proper care of Gregor. When feeding him she [no] longer [considered] what might give Gregor some special pleasure, the sister now quickly pushed any old food into Gregors room with her foot before she rushed off to work both in the morning and at noon; then in the evening, not caring whether the food had only been nibbled at or -most frequently left completely untouched (pg.302). Grete, now working, puts her other tasks first and foremost before her brother suggesting he has become less important to her, that he is no more than a nuisance in the household. Gregors room is even described as filthy with the walls and floor covered in grime and dust and although it is Gretes duty to clean the room it is done so in a manner so careless and with such great haste that it makes little or no difference. Gregor annoyed and angered by the state of his room would stand in particularly offensive corners wh en the sister came in as if intending to reproach her (pg. 302). He is quickly becoming more hostile toward Grete who now regards Gregor not so much as he brother but more of a routine chore. The arrival of the three boarders prompts the family to carelessly throw any unwanted items into Gregors room where they pile up around him allowing very little movement. His sister is now much more occupied assisting her mother and father with other chores and pleasing the boarders who are very specific and particular. Grete, along with her mother and father, has seemingly forgotten about Gregor by now. Gregor lies in his room amidst the junk and garbage during the day now, his true metamorphosis into a horrifying insect nearly complete. One night, after the family and the three boarders have finished their dinner he hears the sound of Grete playing her violin from the living room. Attracted to the beautiful playing of the violin, he ventures out from his room hardly 5 surprised that he had recently begun to show so little concern for others; previously such thoughtfulness had been his pride (pg. 304). Gregor has grown shameless and inconsiderate similar to his sister. As he makes his way out to the living room to better hear the violin, he has strange disillusions of reconciling with his sister and taking her to his room to play violin for him. He imagines telling his sister hes sending her to the Conservatory to study music and that [she] would burst into tears of emotion, and Gregor would raise himself up to her shoulder and kiss her on the neckà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (pg. 305). There is still hope residing within Gregor that he can set things right and have the relationship with his sister he once had. Whilst imagining all of these false fantasies he is spotted by one of the middle boarders who is so disgusted by the sight of him declares he refuses to stay there any longer along with his two companions. This is the moment in which Grete has finally had it with Gregor and ultimately betrays him. Grete even abstains the use of her brothers name when she cries to her parents I refuse to utter my brothers name in the presence of this monster, and so I say: we must try to get rid of it (pg. 306). Gregor is no longer referred to by name or even he. He becomes it, not a person, but a thing. Grete no longer sees any human left in her insect brother, [if] this were Gregor, he would have realized long ago that  human beings cant live with such a creature, and hed have gone away on his own  free will (pg. 307). Upon Gregors arrival to his room, his fate is sealed with Gretes turn of the key locking him within his room to die. In his final moments Gregors thoughts focus back to his family with tenderness and love. His conviction that he must disappear was, if possible even stronger than his sisters (pg. 308). He peacefully comes to terms with his sisters actions and dies within the early ho urs of the morning. 6 While Gregor has undergone and fatally suffered his metamorphosis, the family is now free to prosper and can now look forward to the hopeful future of Grete for she had blossomed into a good-looking and well-developed girl (pg. 310). Although Gregors physical appearance had changed, his personality remained the same. Grete on the other hand had changed also, not only in looks but in her personality as well. Once a loving sister, she eventually comes to seemingly hate Gregor, and condemn him. She has evidently replaced Gregor in the family being the new young and responsible child with a bright future like Gregor once had. Ironically the family he had wished and worked so much for especially Grete had ultimately caused him his demise. Gregor had planned to give Grete a bright future and see that she was successful in her pursuits, but when he needed her most, she had abandoned him. Although Gretes neglect, abuse, and lack of care for Gregor had killed him, he still died peacefully w ith unconditional love for her.

Friday, October 25, 2019

A Precious Gift :: Personal Narrative Essays

A Precious Gift Education has always been considered very important in my family. Prior to the earliest time I can remember I am told that my mother and father read to me nightly. My family has a deep background in books, my father being a collector, and my mother working at a library. My father loves books, in every way I can think of. He loves to read them, as do the rest of my family, but he has a collector's interest in books that we lack. He once wondered to a local library to check if they had a book sale. They did indeed have a book sale, and he bought quite a many books from their shelves. Soon he became a volunteer, and then the organizer, and soon had his own key to the library. As the relationship between my father and I goes, I started going with him to the book sale. I loved reading and I helped him a little also. We discovered that the special semiannual book sale was coming up. I came with my dad that morning and we began carrying boxes of books out to the tables. We observed a tag sale across from us that apparently went hand in hand with our sale. I was given the job of collecting money, and the day was going well, for we had already made nearly four hundred dollars for the library. At one point a small boy began his ascent up the small hill from the tag sale. He was only seven or eight by my estimate, and went directly to the table marked 'children.' After a minute or two he had found four or five books that he liked, put them in a neat pile and started his way back down the hill to the tag sale. Nearly a minute later he came back with a rather sad look on his face. "What's the matter?" I asked him as he took the pile and placed the books back on the table. He shrugged and I pushed. "You don't want those books?" I asked. I could tell he was shy. We already had something in common. "No, I can't get them." "Oh? Why not?" I asked. I could sense that he wanted them. "Because my mother won't give me the money for the 'stupid books.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Examining The African Union And Economies Economics Essay

Harmonizing to Stephanie ( 2009 ) was enlighten about AU and AU was abbreviated as an AFRICAN UNION. Initially formed as an â€Å" ORGANISATION OF AFRICAN UNITY † ( OAU ) and it was established in 1963. Harmonizing to Manelisi, Francis and Stephen ( 2000 ) was cited about OAU and briefing the personal businesss of an Continental degree and looking into independent organic structure as a forming of a African Union. They are taking into consideration of speed uping public presentation of OAU. They have certain rules and majorly concentrating in two countries. First one was sovereignty and secondly known as non-interference. Leaderships of a African states lack behind in leading qualities and emphasized to organize an African brotherhood. MR. Muammar el-Qaddafi and he was from Libya state and their chief aspiration to establish an AU. 53 states Members are actively indulge to back up a African brotherhood excepting the Morocco state.African brotherhood and their Main aimsHarmoniz ing to Stephanie ( 2009 ) was AU is endeavoring to better the development in the African states and to cut down the poorness and the graft and to stop the legion differences in the Africa. Harmonizing to Ryan Africa have its ain aims, that African brotherhood is a political brotherhood. African brotherhood chief aim is to develop the different type of undertakings in broad scope of administrations in this African brotherhood. This African brotherhood ever taking that to develop and societal and economic development in Africa. By the manner, they have got success in release for African provinces by utilizing their power of colonial. Chiefly African brotherhood have their ain aims are To accomplish integrity in between African provinces and in peoples integrity besides. To accomplish peace in between provinces of Africa by giving security to the continent of Africa. To better the velocity in political countries and to unite the socio-economic facets in the continents of Africa. By giving the encouragement to research in all the Fieldss the growing of the continents are travel frontward, particularly in the Fieldss like scientific discipline and the engineering. Promote the minimal criterions of the people populating in Africa, by promoting the support in human activity in all the Fieldss. Required conditions are set up which allow the African state to take portion to execute its right function in the international conferences and the planetary market. Encourage to keep the ecological balanced betterment at all degrees like societal and economical and cultural facets over and above African economic systems integrating. African brotherhood is taking the aid of the international spouses and they are giving accent for obliteration of chief causes of diseases. Whole continent want to advance the hygienic conditions for good wellness of African people. African brotherhood concentrating on cardinal issues like democratic rules. African brotherhood concentrating on their establishments. African brotherhood want to keep good administration and active indulgenceGlobal crisis:Harmonizing to Anup ( 2009 ) planetary crisis was foremost started in united provinces and it shown its consequence on all other states and once more it started In the year2007 the planetary economic crisis was started and had a immense consequence in fiscal position of different states of the universe and it continued to 2008.due to the planetary crisis there is a immense diminution in the stock market worldwide. Fiscal establishment in different parts of the universe has been collapsed and even the authorities in the strongest states has to some forward to raise the fiscal position of the other states. Harmonizing to Patrick ( 2008 ) worldwide figure of states put into the recession due to the fiscal planetary crisis. It is on-going processReasons for planetary crisis:Harmonizing to Mak ( 2008 ) is the chief ground for the recent planetary economic crisis is â€Å" sub-priming lodging market â €  . It was chiefly started in United States. Harmonizing to Anup ( 2009 ) was due to the sudden autumn of the sub-prime market which is based in the US and the unfortunate reverse in the lodging roar shows its ripple consequence on the other industries throughout the universe. Because of the place mortgages fiscal merchandises was adversely affected and have major deductions for the planetary crisis. Taking all above facet in to considerations and eventually it reach to neglect. Harmonizing to rakesh ( 2009 ) was the addition of the fiscal planetary crisis was started in 2008 and shows it effects on the present economic system and the fiscal environments. The economic failure it made the universe economic system really hard at this clip due to crisis. Global crisis shows its immense consequence on cardinal Bankss. The effects of fiscal crisis are leads to epoch alteration in the cardinal Bankss. Because of the autumn of the cardinal Bankss the fiscal system was affected. At the initial degree of the crisis, it ascribed that the crisis leads to the planetary instabilities but the result of these instabilities remains for longer. Global imbalances show its shortage in the histories of the America. It shows its excess in developing states Asia like China and the states like Russia and Middle East which are exporting the oil besides affected due to the crisis. Macroeconomic instabilities like salvaging investing and immense flows in the cross-border fiscal is put its emphasis on the procedure of the intermediation. These instabilities are cooperated to bring fort h some of the characteristics for the current crisis. Harmonizing to Ivan was the chief job that raised due to the crisis was unemployment. Harmonizing to economic adviser ( 2009 ) This can be solved by cut downing the unemployment easy than the other crisis and the other ground for the crisis is most of the economic systems are depending on the frail policies. These policies are prostrations and these consequences to the planetary crisis. Crisis shows the impact on the international concern. Companies need to acknowledge the its operations to get the better of the recission.otherwise 1000000s of workers are quit from the occupations. Globally concerns are adequately hit by the crisis and due to this companies seek the aid from the authorities. To last companies need the aid of the authorities. Most of the little graduated table industries are in danger and others are confronting the jobs like insolvents.Impact of planetary crisis on African economic system:Chapter 2CHALLENGES POSED BY THE CURRENT GLOBAL CRISIS ON AFRICAN ECONOMIESMAIN CHALLENGESHarmonizing to AFM ( 2009 ) was enlighten in their committe about African economic systems confronting with several jobs and their economic system severely affected by the crisis. The commission be aftering to concentrate on cardinal countries and placing jobs to purl tinkle and they want to take necessary stairss to get the better of the crisis state of affairs in AU economic systems. These are the chief challenges to get the better of jobs during crisis stage.AU have to analysed challenges and actively indulge in their several Fieldss and speed up plants process to make a good economic system for whole African people. Eradication of poorness Keeping sustainability of a growing Inflows of a capital Lack of support from private sectors Worsening of a financial grosss Lack of promotional activities on wellness attention systems Lack of substructure installations regional every bit good as national degree. Worsening of a exportsEradication of poorness:African economic systems confronting many hurdlings during the crisis. The first and most of import measure is disputing undertaking for African economic systems is looking farther obliteration of poorness in their several states. Poverty plays a critical function for the economical development of the county. African economic systems have to take particular steps to eliminate poorness and it is really indispensable measure for development of the states. Recently an African economic system was severely affected by crisis and poorness has become one large major job for their states. All African states come to together and take remedial steps for poorness and Lashkar-e-Taiba ‘s make African states pride at planetary degree.Keeping sustainability of a growing:The 2nd of import measure is disputing undertaking of a sustainability growing for economic systems. They are majorly concentrating on investings and use the resources in a proper mode. Availability of investing and they are majorly giving accent for substructure installations and do sustainability growing of African economic systems. Due to crisis and their economic system was fallen down and short autumn of investing. Before the crisis African economic systems was kept high outlooks about their investing. They kept marks to make their places, during 2009 about 50 billion dollars and 2010 it can be reached to fifty six one million millions dollars harmonizing to USD. African economic systems have to do their economic system more stable and need to take particular steps to get the better of the planetary crisis.Inflow of a capital:Harmonizing to concern directory was cited in their web site about capital influx stands acquiring beginnings externally like foreign states and they can be cheaper comparing with domestic market. Harmonizing to Michele ( 2008 ) was cited in his article about capital influx for African economic systems and other states like South Af rica [ SA ] adversely effected due to economical crisis and certain countries like about an agribusiness sector, about an excavation sector and fabrication sector. before the crisis SA states and other African states holding a good capital influxs for a period of 2007. These states are majorly depending on foreign states and looking into economical development of the African states. When foreign Countries was severely by planetary recession and it straight reflects to an African Economies [ AE ] .Lack of support from private sectorsPrivate sector plays a critical function for economic development of the state. Due to crisis many African states was faced with shortage of their payments. This is an of import challenging undertaking for African states and these states are wholly rely on private sectors. Many of the African states people lost their occupations in different sectors because of planetary crisis. African authoritiess was failed raising financess from fiscal markets of a int ernational markets. Many of the undertakings has been cancelled due to miss of support from private sectors for African economic systems. Harmonizing to Afrol about their intelligence was cited in their website African authorities has to promote the FDI from the developed states and it leads to economic development of the state. African states taking that private sector can salvage from planetary recession. Taking support of private sector, African states can supply ample of occupation chances for their state people. Many of the foreign investors are looking for ample of resources and that at the same clip seeking support from African states.Worsening of a financial grosssHarmonizing to ADB ( 2009 ) was enlighten in his article about financial grosss in African economic systems. African states are adversely set uping during planetary crisis minute. African states were confronting with financial grosss jobs because they do n't hold ample of financess for development of African Union. Fiscal grosss are eventually reached to worsen phase and advancement of a African economic systems coming down and growing of GDP was reached up to 0 % . Harmonizing to AFM ( 2009 ) was cited about financial grosss reached to worsen phase due to planetary crisis. Producing of a oil states of African states confronting many hurdlings, authorities does n't hold any financess, deficiency buttocks at development of substructure installations was taking some jobs because of financial grosss. Other sectors known to be about building field, about fabricating field and other several Fieldss of service degrees and others sectors are considers as a non-oil. These sectors are wholly rely on public sectors and slowly it reached to worsen phase. African economic systems forecasted grosss of a authorities can be reached upto twenty four per centum during the period of 2009. African states need to analyze approximately financial gross and this can be taking to an of import challenging undertaking for economic development of African states.Lack of promotional activities on wellness attention systemsHarmonizing to Nana and Alan ( 2004 ) was cited in his book about HIV/AIDS and their programmes. African states confronting many jobs on wellness attention systems. African states people are infected by HIV diseases and about 50 to eighty per centum affected by an urban population. African economic systems was severely affected by planetary crisis and they are holding another of import challenging undertaking was wellness attention system. Because of recession and their states economic system goes down. Their states confronting many jobs with wellness attention system and they concentrate on cardinal factors to advance a good wellness attention system in African states. Some African states like Zambia and other state Zimbabwe are extremely affected HIV Patients. Harmonizing to Hanlin ( 2007 ) was cited in his journal African states want to advance advanced wellness systems to awfu l diseases like HIV and AIDS. African states need to accommodate advanced constructs to command and supervise the HIV/AIDS programmes. They are implemented PPS and PPS stands for â€Å" Public-Private Partnership † as an advanced construct and authorities invested plenty of financess during 2005. At present scenario African states adversely affected by planetary crisis and take challenging undertaking and implemented efficaciously to protect awful diseases for African state peoples.Lack of substructure installations regional every bit good as national degreeAFM commission ( 2009 ) was enlightened that African Economies was adversely affected deficiency of substructure installations due to planetary crisis. Initially African states have to concentrate at basic degree. Every Country economical development depends on substructure installations and it plays a vital for economical development of the state. Infrastructure is an of import facet and anchor for African states. African states have infrastructural spread between regional every bit good as national degree. Harmonizing to Zuma and Jacob ( 2009 ) was cited in his article says that substructure is an of import facet and they has dressed ore certain countries like about rail webs, about coevals of a power, about a telecommunications and proper public conveyance installations. South African state in their history it was the first clip gone in recession and GDP came at diminution phase and many African economic systems are emphasize and they are seeking stable their a economic system in a stipulated period of clip. Many of the investors is non coming frontward to put in African states because of planetary crisis. Now it was become ambitious undertaking for African states to heighten substructure installations for development of African states. African Government has to promote private participants and they have provide some particular privileges to private participants and taking support of these partici pants they can extenuate hazard from planetary crisis.Worsening of a exportsHarmonizing to AFM commission ( 2009 ) was stated that African states major exports are Oil bring forthing, wood merchandises and valuable diamonds and other sectors like fabrication. Producing of an oil was severely affected by crisis. An export was fallen down during the period of 2009 and 2010. Before crisis expected up to two 50 one billion dollars of 2009 and two 70 seven dollars of U.S. planetary crisis hit severely for African states and the exports are reached phase of diminution at two 100 one million millions of dollars in 2009 and two 20 billion of dollars in 2010 of U.S.Chapter 3Schemes implemented by African economic systemsChapter N0:4ANALYSIS REPORT FOR AFRICAN ECONOMIESGlobal recovery of an African states comparing with other states.Harmonizing to Andre ( 2010 ) was cited in their web site on Jan 28th about planetary recession and hurdlings faced by states and concentrating on economical grow ing calculating for following approaching old ages. African economic system is emerging economic system in recent old ages. Most of the African economic systems came to worsen phase and their economic systems are adversely affected by planetary crisis during the period of 2009. From figure 1 Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.un.org/ecosocdev/geninfo/afrec/newrels/wesp-graph.gif ( 27/04/2010 ) From Figure 1 provinces that African economic systems economical growing was 1.3 % during the period of 2009. UN enlighten in their studies about Many of the African states adversely by planetary crisis and growing of African economic systems was slow down. They forecasting that African economic system growing can be reached to 4.3 % by 2010 comparing to 2009. They want to heighten public presentation and growing of an African economic system at least 3 times and they are taking into consideration and comparing with 2009 and 2010. African can be consider as a 2nd fastest of a turning economic system in planetary parts and they holding an trust on them and anticipating to make growing of a economic system by 2010. While we taking in to consideration of Asiatic states economical growing during the period 2009 and following approaching twelvemonth of 2010. About south Asiatic states and east states parts and these states are see as emerging economic systems and these states are affect b y planetary crisis during 2009. The economic system growing was 4.3 % in 2009 and they kept immense outlooks for their economic growing and these states are seeking really hard and they kept mark to make to 6.4 % growing of a economic system by the terminal of 2010. Lets we take other portion of the part known as Western Asia from Asiatic states. Western Asia of a economic system growing 0.4 per centum in 2009 and these part has to work hard develop their economic system and they are be aftering to make 3.6 growing of a economic system by 2010. While we taking into consideration about Latin American and Caribbean states and other parts of a developed economic systems. They are adversely affected by planetary crisis and confronting many hurdlings during 2009. The growing of a economic system was reached to 0.4 per centum in 2009. about African states and southeast states at least they are in a normal places comparing to developed economic systems. Developed economic systems economic system growing drastically fallen down due to planetary crisis in 2009. These states are seeking their best and develop the economic system growing and looking farther to their mark 1.3 % of a economic system growing by the terminal of 2010. African states are concentrating on cardinal sectors like an oil and other related mineral merchandises. African states is rich natural resources and their merchandises have an immense demand and they exports their merchandises to developed states. FDI plays an critical function for African economic systems and if they want to get the better of from planetary crisis, FDI is an of import factor development of African Economy and it has some privileges for African states. African states promoting FDI and at the same clip they giving accent for private participants. By taking support of FDI and participants of a private sectors and they can get the better of the planetary crisis job by the terminal 2010. African states make their economic system su stainable and advancement of an African economic system.The domestic nest eggs and their several rates from 2005-2008 and following period from 2009 -2010Harmonizing to AFDB ( 2010 ) was enlighten that domestic nest eggs of African states comparing with about developed economic systems and about developing economic systems. They are explained in context degree of diagrammatical chart which is listed below.i.e Figure 2. Figure 2 about Domestic Savingss of a part side Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.afdb.org ( 27/04/2010 ) From figure2 stated that about developing states of Asiatic states demoing sustainable growing rate of economic system and heightening salvaging rates from 2005-2008 and during crisis minute of 2009-2010 their economic system turning at an mean 35 % . About advanced economic systems during 2005-2008 was steadily bettering and it reaches up to 20 % nest eggs. During planetary crisis minute economic systems salvaging rates fallen down drastically 2009-2010 and it was 18 % . About Middle East states, approximately Latin American states and Carribeans during 2005-2008 salvaging rates growing was bettering 42 % and 22 % severally and during 2009- 2010 their economy rates fallen during planetary crisis minute 38 % and 29 % severally. African economic system was dining before the crisis during 2005-2008 and salvaging rates was high and they reached upto 25 % severally comparing with other states like Asiatic states, about in-between east states their redemptive really high, but relatively A frican states growing was mean, but all of a sudden African states salvaging fallen down i.e. 18 % . During 2009-2010. It is clip taking procedure for African states over come from planetary crisis. It is really difficult for African states during planetary crisis and they have to plan suited schemes and concentrate on cardinal sectors where they are lack behind. FDI scheme is suited scheme for African economic systems because there was reached to worsen phase. Due to planetary crisis African states lack in resources like about substructure installations, Human capital and non-suitable for concern environment. An African states faces many hurdlings to develop their economic system and they have merely one major ground behind i.e. Fundss. Any state want to develop that should hold ample of financess to develop their economic system. African state besides confronting same job.i.e FUNDS. Before crisis African economic system was dining in the universe. African faces international degre e every bit good as domestic degree and it shows immense impacts growing of their economic system. An African states faces unemployment jobs and they are unable to supply ample of occupation chances for African states specially youth. The stock markets and their major resources of their exports reached to worsen phases and these are major impacts for African economic systems.The Real GDP and their growing ( % ) of African states and the several sub-regions in 2009.The African states were slow down their GDP and it is adversely affected by African economic system due to planetary crisis. Figure 3 Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.afdb.org ( 27/04/2010 ) The growing of African states was before the crisis is bettering and they are seeking to run into the demands of Global economic system. But planetary crisis make the African economic system slowed down and its automatically reflects on GDP of a African states. From fig3 provinces about GDP of African provinces and how it reaches diminutions phases between 2008 to 2009. The existent gross domestic merchandise ( GDP ) and their growing was calculated in per centums during 2009. About Eastern African existent GDP of their 4.3 % during 2009 and their growing reached a diminution phase 2 % between the old ages of 2008 and in 2009. About Central Africa Real GDP of their 2.1 % during 2009 and their growing reached a diminution phase between the old ages of 2008 and in 2009. Decline phase is somewhat more relatively of existent GDP of a cardinal Africa. About Western African existent GDP of 3.5 % during 2009 and their growing reached a diminution phase 2 % between the old ages of 2008 and in 2009. About South African was severely affected by the planetary crisis and their existent GDP was demoing in negative i.e. ( -1.3 % ) . South African plays a critical function for economic development of African states. The major portion come from south African because they are holding ample resources and it is cardinal location and it major suited all concern environment for domestic every bit good as international degree. South African is major affected by planetary crisis and growing came to worsen 6.5 % . Many African of the states are wholly rely on exports and they want to develop African economic system and at the same clip concentrating on growing of GDP of a African states. African states keep the mark to crush planetary crisis and do the African economic system as a sustainable economic system by the terminal of 2010. About oil and their trade good exports of African states Harmonizing to Urbanomics ( 2009 ) was cited in web site about exports of African states. Figure4 Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhSdLgqnNX3h0ncsh4Kub3RX26XiLsZiZTrz9T1dT2OaeUftvhpvSK907XDX2OwQT3b5TQyQk0fB5hBIhH2B7pS36ggbKo34YDpu1WSduGOrAh98xKtEeKwHnG5VcslHot0B1b-s_NUW_15/s320/oil+and+commodities.gif ( Accessed on 28/04/2010 ) African states are majorly concentrating on exporting trade good merchandises and they are bring forthing ample of sum