Monday, December 23, 2019

Essay on Summer Of 17th Doll Review - 1111 Words

Year 12 Literature SAC Summer Of The Seventeenth Doll The play â€Å"Summer Of The Seventeenth Doll† is a mixture of people’s inability to grow up and let go of dreams, in a typical Australian atmosphere in the nineteen fifties. Ray Lawler focuses on showing the characters finally waking up to their lives and realizing they don’t live in â€Å"heaven, â€Å" within in a simple plot. These techniques allow readers to connect and understand the disillusionment suffered by these Australian’s in this time. Our setting for â€Å"Summer Of The Seventeenth Doll’ is a Melbourne suburb, Carlton. Australia in the fifties had just began massive social and economical development. During the war Australia had relied on the United States of America for support, meaning†¦show more content†¦Nancy wakes up and sees Barney has no desire to ever marry her. In this time if women never got married she was labeled a spinster. Nancy didn’t want to be stereotyped in that category. She will no longer wait around for Barney like Olive does for Roo. Her marriage forms a break in the continuing prolonged dream they all find themselves in. Audience learns early on Olive is more of a child then a woman. She is desperately trying to hang onto her past; she wants to remain stagnant in her imaginary world. It is in here we see the scrambling efforts to remain youthful suffered by the entire group. Olive’s only hope of this is to continue her â€Å"ritual romance† with Roo. So as any desperate women would do, she attempts to replace Nancy with Pearl. This act displays Olive’s true state of mind towards they lay off-season. She needs it to survive. As a barmaid she is already looked down on as it was an unrespectable job, but she keeps her self-esteem and belief in her self up by telling everyone about Roo and the times they have. This imaginary world is what she lives for, and she doesn’t care what she had to do to keep it as long as it remains the same. With the attempt to replace Nancy with Pearl audience see more of their dream disintegrate. Pearl is a representation of a â€Å"new women.† She will not be swept away by the so called romance Olive attempts to convince her she has â€Å"I know what I got is†¦.is five months of heaven.†Show MoreRelatedEssay on Voodoo Religion1819 Words   |  8 Pagescannibalism, and harm. Although the Voodoo religion appears to the outsider as an illusion or falsehood, it has been an instrumental political force because it has helped the Haitians resist domination and form an identity of their own. Since the end of the 17th century, Haitian Voodoo has overcome every challenge it has been faced with and has endured. The religion is based on a polytheistic belief system and represents a significant portion of Haiti’s 8.3 million people. The engaging religion plays an importantRead MoreVoodoo1859 Words   |  8 Pagescannibalism, and harm. 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